It all began with a call from God to further His Kingdom…

Faith Journey Women

When I looked around my community, I saw a sea of women longing to connect with something more. God began growing a passion in me for women I didn't even know yet, a passion to connect them to His Word and to each other in deep and meaningful ways.

I responded by stepping out and inviting women to a neighborhood Bible Study. They had different faith backgrounds, and they were disconnected from God and the local church. After searching and praying for the right books or guides to match the uniqueness of my group, God led me to write something specific for these women I knew and loved so well. With a passion to teach and encourage women to study and apply the Bible to their lives, I stepped out in faith to write study guides which soon became Faith Journey Bible Studies. 

It has been exciting over the years to see women invite others they "do life" with to come to a Faith Journey group or join a women’s group at a Church and find community, connection, and a greater understanding of God's Word. In many ways Faith Journey has been a bridge between the various churches and families in our community. As the groups continued to grow and women continually reached out with stories of God interrupting their life with hope and peace, Faith Journey became more than just Bible Studies. 

At Faith Journey Women, our heart is to see women excited to study, apply and obey scripture so that they can experience an unwavering and confident faith and live in the blessing and abundance God has for their life. The hope is that you would find community and inspiration through the studies, our blog, resources, and more. Your faith  journey is the best and most important journey you’ll ever embark on, and we’re excited to be a part of it and spur you on as you run the race set before you.

Lisa Thompson, Founder & Author

Lisa Thompson has been a Christian since she was 6 years old. She is passionate about reaching and encouraging people, young and old, to know who God is, what He says in the Bible and the abundant life He invites us to.. She is the founder and author behind Faith Journey Women and Bible studies.

With a passion to teach and encourage women to study and apply Biblical truth to their lives, she stepped out in faith to write the Faith Journey Bible Studies in response to a growing need in her community.  She has written over fifteen Bible studies (with more to come) that emphasize the application of Scripture into everyday life. Lisa’s heart is to meet women where they are, disciple them, and send them out into the world to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the hopeless and disconnected. This passion launched what is now Faith Journey Women, a community of faith-based resources and place for women to grow in their own journey with God. The Faith Journey curriculum is being used both in churches and neighborhood groups and is helping women learn how they can study, apply, and live out the Gospel abundantly!

Lisa is the Women’s Pastor at Bayside Church, Granite Bay Campus. She speaks regularly at women’s events, churches, Folsom Women’s prison and weekend retreats. She feels blessed to serve both in and out of the church, spreading her love for God and people throughout her community. Lisa has been married to her husband Robb since 1992. They have four children, 1 dog named Scout, and call Folsom, California home.


Lisa’s Bible Studies include:

  • Colossians:  The Complete Woman

  • Romans: The Free Woman

  • Ephesians: The Rich Woman

  • Esther: The Influential Woman

  • James: The Genuine Woman

  • Gospel of John: The Confident Woman

  • Matthew: The Authentic Woman

  • Philippians: The Joyful Woman

  • Hebrews: The Faithful Woman